Indian Industrial Dispute Act of 1947

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What is the Indian Industrial Dispute Act of 1947?

The Industrial Dispute Act of 1947 has been described as the latest milestone in the industrial development in India. The Act has seen new additions in the past few years. However, the principal objectives of the Industrial Dispute Act of 1947 are:

Objectives of Indian Industrial Dispute Act:

1. To encourage good relations between labor and industries, and provide a medium of settling disputes through adjudicator authorities.

2. To provide a committee for dispute settlement between industry and labor with the right of representation by a registered trade union or by an association of employers.

3. Prevent unauthorized strikes and lockouts.

4. Reach out to labor that has been laid-off, unrightfully dismissed, etc.

5. Provide labor the right to collective bargaining and promote conciliation.

New Indian Industrial Dispute Act Principles:

1. A permanent conciliation committee for the speedy settlement of industrial disputes.

2. Compulsory arbitration in public utility services and enforcement of arbitration awards.

3. Strikes during proceedings of conciliation and arbitration meetings are prohibited.

4. Set aside specific times for conciliation and arbitration meetings.

5. Employers have to be obliged to communicate with labor unions.

6. Mutual consultation has to be set up between industry and labor by the Works Committee.

7. Disputes between labor and industry have to be forwarded to an Industrial Tribunal. If the Industrial tribunal fails to handle the case, the case should be forwarded to the appropriate government.

Authorities under Indian Industrial Dispute Act:

1. Works committee.

2. Conciliation officer.

3. Boards of conciliation.

4. Courts of inquiry.

5. Labor courts.

6. Industrial tribunals.

7. National tribunals.

Additional Readings:

1. Definition and Evolution of Industrial Relations
2. Concept, Scope and Objectives of Industrial Relations
3. Conceptual Model for understanding Industrial Relations
4. Labor National Commission and Industrial Relations Policy - 1969
5. Industrial Dispute
6. Indian Industrial Dispute Act of 1947
7. Parameters and Classification of Industrial Disputes
8. Types of Industrial Strikes
9. Tripartite and Bipartite Bodies, and Industrial Settlement
10. Definition of "Mediation" and "Conciliation"

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