Causes of Failure of Training Programs
Rahul's Noteblog Notes on Personnel Management Causes of Failure of Training Programs
Causes of Failure of Training Programs:
a. The top management doesn't appreciate the benefits of training.
b. Managers who provide training are not appropriately rewarded by top management.
c. A proper training plan and budget are not in place.
d. Objectives of behavior are not defined.
e. Information provided by external training programmes may not be applicable to the workplace.
f. Information about external training programmes may not be obtained in a timely manner.
g. The rest of the organizational staff tends to be ignored in terms of being provided up-to-date training.
h. Training in production schedules is not adequately provided by middle management unless provoked by top management.
i. Without proper scheduling, supervisors cannot maintain production norms if employees attend training programmes.
Tips for Successful Training Programs:
The best way to avoid failure of training is create an awareness among companies so that they invest more time and budget to properly conduct training sessions for their employees. These steps can be taken to ensure training doesn't fail:
a. Establish formal of systemic training programmes for new employees.
b. Design and conduct good quality training programmes for employees.
c. A variety of training programmes should be offered.
d. Internal facilities of the company should be used for training purposes.
e. Training should be based on the employees' needs, which are determined through: supervisory recommendations, analysis of job performance and recommendations, and suggestions of the employee.
f. External training facilities may also be used if appropriate.
Additional Readings:
1. Personnel Administration and Personnel Staff
2. Duties of Personnel Managers
3. Manpower Planning
4. Valuation of Human Resources
5. Career Planning
6. Advantages of Diversifying Managerial Training
7. Causes of Failure of Training Programs
8. Promotion Procedures of an Organization
9. Calculation of Minimum Wages according to Indian Labor Conference 1957
10. Wage Influencing Variables and Bonus Schemes
11. Salary Administration Procedures
12. Classification of Fringe Benefits
13. Importance of Good Communication in Business
14. Job Analysis
15. Recruitment Checklist
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