Rahul's Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some FAQs I often receive through email; they are provided here for your juicy, or should I say, gory entertainment depending upon your point of view:
May I quote, save, or print stuff from your website?
Yes, but only for personal, non-commercial use, together with proper acknowledgment of the source.
Can you help me with my school homework?
How do I get the latest updates from RahulGladwin.com?
I have an active (well, sort of) twitter stream Twitter.com/USMLENotes. You can also follow me on Facebook.com/USMLEnotes.You may also subscribe to my RahulGladwin.com RSS feed and the Free Medical Images RSS feed. I'm sorry, my business notes are no longer updated.
Your content has really helped me. Is there a way I can send you a donation?
I'm glad you found my website useful, however, I don't accept donations. One way to show your appreciation is to sign my guestbook and mention my website in your blog post or any social networking website that you're a member of.
Would you be interested in a link exchange?
Maybe. Send me what you have and I'll get back to you if I'm interested.
Would you like to volunteer for [insert name of organization, committee, business/social club, et al.]?
Do you sell advertizing space?
Who designed RahulGladwin.com?
I designed RahulGladwin.com from scratch; it is built on a scalable PHP framework and is optimized to run on a LAMP server configuration. Additionally, this website conforms to W3C, Section 508, WCAG, and BITV accessibility standards.
Where are you hosted?
RahulGladwin.com has been hosted with eBoundHost since February 2010.
Who the heck are you?
That is kind of hard to say.
How did you find time to create this website?
I put in a few hours weekly for several years. You probably spent more time on Facebook. It all boils down to adept time-management.
I sent you an email last month. Why haven't you replied?
I receive hundreds of emails each week and it is impossible to reply to all of them. If you really need a reply, just re-send your email or post your query in my guestbook.
Is this website making you rich?
Not really, but it is generating enough money to break-even the exorbitant hosting fees!
Where are you from?
Originally from northern India, I grew up in the Middle East before moving to America at the age of eighteen. I was present in Kuwait during the 1990 Iraqi invasion. I'm fluent in English & Hindi.
Are you on Facebook?
Not sure about myself, but rahulgladwin.com is on Facebook.com/USMLEnotes.
Anything else? Feel free to contact me through this form.
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