Overcoming Barriers to Effective Communication
Rahul's Noteblog Notes on Business Communication Overcoming Barriers to Effective Communication
For proper communication to be carried out, the communication policy of an organization must be created and followed by all members of management - junior and senior. Furthremore, there must be environment of open communication built upon honesty, trust and confidence. Specifically, these steps may be followed to improve communication within an organization:
Two-way Communication:
Communication is a two-way process. There is a sender and a receiver. There must be feedback given from receiver to sender, and vice-versa. This may reduce chances of modification and altering of information, and creating unnecessary communication gaps and misunderstanding.
Stronger communication network:
There must be an environment of open and frequent communication. Authority must be decentralized and distributed throughout the network. There should be frequent meetings, seminars, conferences, etc., and feedback must be received continuously and analyzed.
Promote interactive approach:
Organizational decisions must be made interactively. Members of all levels of an organization must make decisions together. Continuous participation may reduce unnecessary communication barriers.
Comprehensible Language:
Since it is always good to make decisions by involving members of all levels of an organization, it becomes necessary to use appropriate language that all members find easy to understand. It is imperative that everyone in the meeting understands what is going on.
Credibility to communication:
Instructions given during communications must be followed by the respective members. For example, instructions given out by senior members to mid-level members must be followed by mid-level members. Needless to say, instructions given out by mid-level members to lower-level employees must be followed by lower-level employees. All this must be done with honesty and confidence.
Better listening skills:
Good speaking also involves good listening - listening to feed back. An instructor must keep an open mind for questions. Listeners must be willing to openly speak their minds to the speaker, hence, making communication a two-way process.
Use an effective medium of communication:
It becomes imperative that communication be carried out through the right medium. This may involve the right time, location, and to the right listeners.
Additional Readings:
1. Definition and Characteristics of Communication
2. Principles of Effective Communication
3. Reasons why Communications is a Two-Way Process
4. Effective Communication and People Management
5. Categories of Organization Communication
6. The Benefits of Written Communication
7. Barriers to Effective Communication
8. Overcoming Barriers to Effective Communication
9. Types of Business Communication within an Organization
10. Important Elements of Report-Writing
11. Scope of Communication
12. The Grapevine
13. Communication with Workers’ Families
14. Effective Listening
15. Qualities of a Business Letter
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