Effective Communication and People Management

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Role of Effective Communication and People Management:

1. Communication is vital to the smooth functioning of a company. Better communication leads to improved interaction and interdepartmental coordination. Furthermore, enhances steps involved in purchasing, selling, production, and finance as done in business. Better communication also leads to smoothly meeting all the business objectives within a company.

2. Communication is used by management to carry out functions like:

a. Planning:

This process takes a lot of communication between different departments. This helps ensure coordination of personnel activities.

b. Organization:

This process involves deciding the actions of an organization, dividing them into individual units and choosing entities to work those units. Needless to say, these entities can only come to know their responsibilities through effective communication with management.

c. Direction and leadership:

Good leaders can effective lead using better communication. Communication puts leaders in close communication with their staff, thus, reducing the risk of misunderstandings. A leader can smoothly issue orders and receive feedback from the staff.

d. Motivation:

Communication enables managers to influence their subordinates, ie., change their opinions on certain issues. Thus, a manager can motivate, influence and satisfy his/her subordinates with decreased risk of misunderstandings. Furthermore, communication can help workers adjust to their environment while creating a participative and democratic management pattern.

e. Co-ordination:

Modern companies are very large and may employ thousands of employees. For proper functioning, it becomes imperative that the various activities within the departments of the company are properly coordinated. Coordination requires understanding the organizational goals and better interpersonal relationships between the staff - and all this takes good communication.

f. Control:

Communication is vital to controlling the activities of individuals and groups within a business. In this way, the involved parties can act on the orders given to them from the top.

3. Good communication enables companies to make high profits. This is done through effective communication. With better communication, a company can receive feed back from its customers and relay the feedback to the workers.

4. Decisions and prompt implementation of these decisions can be achieved only through good communication. Decisions have to be made by collection of information in the form of feedback, then acting on these decisions. The actions, in the form of instructions, have to be propagated throughout the departments of a business, and this can only be achieved using a well defined communications network.

5. Communication can help build better relations between people. Since communication is a two-way process, it helps managers understand the wants and needs of their coworkers and vice versa.

6. Since communication can help build better relations, better relations can further lead to higher job-satisfaction rates and a good morale because there are minimal or no misunderstandings.

7. With effective communication, miscommunication and false illusions can be reduced.

8. Effective communication leads to maintain contacts with external parties in the interest of the business. This provides better feedback to the firm, and the firm in turn provides goodwill and helps create a favorable public opinion.

Additional Readings:

1. Definition and Characteristics of Communication
2. Principles of Effective Communication
3. Reasons why Communications is a Two-Way Process
4. Effective Communication and People Management
5. Categories of Organization Communication
6. The Benefits of Written Communication
7. Barriers to Effective Communication
8. Overcoming Barriers to Effective Communication
9. Types of Business Communication within an Organization
10. Important Elements of Report-Writing
11. Scope of Communication
12. The Grapevine
13. Communication with Workers’ Families
14. Effective Listening
15. Qualities of a Business Letter

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