FAQ on Male Reproduction
Rahul's Noteblog Notes on Endocrinology FAQ on Male Reproduction
FAQ on Male Reproduction:
1. List two ways by which hormones of anterior pituitary gland are regulated:
First, neurosecretory cells in the hypothalamus secrete five releasing hormones, which stimulate secretion of anterior pituitary hormones, and two inhibiting hormones, which suppress secretion of anterior pituitary hormones. Second, negative feedback in the form of hormones released by target glands decreases secretions from three types of anterior pituitary cells.
2. List three hormones secreted by the hypothalamus:
• Corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH).
• Growth hormone-releasing hormone (GRHR).
• Thyrotropin-releasing hormone.
3. List the hormones secreted by Leydig cells of the testes, Sertoli cells of the testes, Graafian follicle, and the corpora of the ovaries:
Leydig Cells:
• Testosterone.
Sertoli Cells:
• Inhibin and MIF.
Graafian follicle:
• Estrogen.
Corpora of the ovaries:
• Estrogen and Progesterone.
4. What is the effect of inhibin in the male? In the female?
Inhibin inhibits FSH secretion by the anterior pituitary, ultimately inhibiting the hormones needed for spermatogenesis. It also, to some extent, decreases the release of LH.
5. Which hormones inhibit secretion of FSH and LH by the anterior pituitary gland?
Inhibin, estrogen, and progesterone.
6. There are several different estrogens in the body. Name the three that are in largest quantities. Which one exerts major effects (non-pregnant female)?
Estradiol, estrone, and estriol. Estradiol exerts major effects.
7. Declining levels of estrogens and progesterone stimulate secretion of GnRH, is this positive or negative feedback? Why?
Negative feed-back because negative feed-back systems reverse a change in a controlled condition.
8. What is regarded as the stimulus to the onset of puberty?
Onset of puberty is marked by pulses or bursts of LH and FSH secretion, each triggered by a pulse of GnRH.
Additional Readings:
Basic Endocrinology
1. Introduction to Endocrinology
2. Hypothalamic-pituitary system
3. Adrenal Hormones
4. Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH) and ECF Regulation
5. Endocrine Pancreas
6. Growth Hormone
7. Adrenal Medulla
8. Hormonal Control of Calcium and Phosphate
9. Thyroid Hormones
10. Hormones of Male Reproduction
11. Hormones of Female Reproduction
12. Fluid Compartments of the Body
13. Notes on Hypothalamus Anterior Pituitary and Thyroid
14. Additional Notes on Female Reproduction
15. Hormonal Signaling Pathways
16. FAQ on Adrenal Hormones
17. FAQ on Male Reproduction
18. Synthesis and Deficiencies of Adrenal Hormones
19. Significance of Glycosylated Hemoblogin (HbA1c)
20. Significance of Measuring Albumin while with Calcium Levels
21. Stepwise Approach to Treatment of Ascites
22. How to differentiate between Diabetes Insipidus vs Psychogenic Polydipsia
Related Topics
1. Histology of the Endocrine System
2. Histology of the Male Reproductive System
3. Histology of the Female Reproductive System
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