Significance of Measuring Albumin while with Calcium Levels

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Role of Albumin:

Albumin plays an important role in homeostasis of the three forms of plasma calcium - ionized calcium (45%), albumin-bound calcium (40%), and calcium bound to inorganic and organic anions (15%).

Patients with decreased serum albumin levels may have low total plasma calcium but may not display any symptoms of hypocalcemia because their levels of ionized calcium are still normal.

What is Corrected Calcium?

Thus, while measuring the correct serum calcium level, albumin level also has to be measured too. A person with decreased serum levels of albumin may have asymptomatic hypocalcemia.

Calculation of Corrected Calcium:

The formula of corrected calcium level is:

Corrected calcium in mg/dl = measured total calcium + 0.8 (4.0 g/dL - measured serum albumin in g/dL)

Another method of roughly estimating corrected calcium levels:

With every 1 g/dL change in serum albumin from 4 g/dL, there is a resultant change in total plasma calcium level by 0.8 mg/dL.


Thus, decreased serum albumin levels will cause total serum calcium levels to drop too.

Additional Reading:

Basic Endocrinology

1. Introduction to Endocrinology
2. Hypothalamic-pituitary system
3. Adrenal Hormones
4. Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH) and ECF Regulation
5. Endocrine Pancreas
6. Growth Hormone
7. Adrenal Medulla
8. Hormonal Control of Calcium and Phosphate
9. Thyroid Hormones
10. Hormones of Male Reproduction
11. Hormones of Female Reproduction
12. Fluid Compartments of the Body
13. Notes on Hypothalamus Anterior Pituitary and Thyroid
14. Additional Notes on Female Reproduction
15. Hormonal Signaling Pathways
16. FAQ on Adrenal Hormones
17. FAQ on Male Reproduction
18. Synthesis and Deficiencies of Adrenal Hormones
19. Significance of Glycosylated Hemoblogin (HbA1c)
20. Significance of Measuring Albumin while with Calcium Levels
21. Stepwise Approach to Treatment of Ascites
22. How to differentiate between Diabetes Insipidus vs Psychogenic Polydipsia

Related Topics

1. Histology of the Endocrine System
2. Histology of the Male Reproductive System
3. Histology of the Female Reproductive System

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