Functions of Joint Management Councils
Rahul's Noteblog Notes on Trade Union Movement Functions of Joint Management Councils
Management consults the Joint Management Council for:
1. Administration and amendment of standing orders if needed.
2. Retrenchment.
3. Rationalization.
4. Closure, reduction or cessation of operations.
The Joint Management Council exchanges information on:
1. General economic situation of the undertaking.
2. State of the market, productions and sales.
3. Organization and general position of the undertaking.
4. Circumstances affecting the economic position of the undertaking.
5. Manufacturing methods and techniques.
6. Annual balance sheet, profit and loss statement, and related documents.
7. Long-term development and expansion plans.
8. Other related matters.
The Joint Management Council also acts as an administration:
1. Administers welfare measures.
2. Supervision of safety measures.
3. Operation of vocational and apprenticeship schemes.
4. Prepare work schedules and vacation timings.
5. Reward employees for their valuable input.
6. Other related matters.
All other matters related to wages, bonus, employment, promotion, grievances, etc. and matters related to collective bargaining are not under the power of the Joint Management Council.
Additional Readings:
1. Indian Labor Class
2. Causes of High Labor Turnover in India
3. Principles and Functions of Indian Trade Unions
4. Organizational Structure of Indian Trade Unions and Union Security Covers
5. Indian Trade Union Act of 1926
6. Additions to Trade Union Amendment of 1982
7. Problems with Indian Trade Unions
8. Recommendations of the National Commission of Labor
9. National Central Trade Union Organizations in India
10. Conduction of a Trade Union Meeting
11. Types of Union Meetings
12. Rights of Recognized Trade Unions
13. Participative Movement
14. Functions of Joint Management Councils
15. Cancellation of Indian Trade Union Registration
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